I have learned that almost everyone has lost a family member who was in the Holocaust and trying to survive was the hardest thing. Everyone showed fear in the novel because the Nazis were very strict about what the Jews did and all the Jews just wanted to be with there family and be free. In the book elli was afraid of not seeing her brother and if her mother will make it out alive. The theme fear is in the book a lot because all the Jews were afraid of what was going to happen to them and if they will make it out alive. It brought joy to me when they got rescued because they deserved to live and it must have been hard to live through all that tragic stuff that happened to them. It made me think of how are they going to live on without him and they will always have memories of the Holocaust and it will stay with them of all the stuff they did. What surprised me was that everyone in her family lived but her dad.

It explained very well of how they got rescued and everything that happened. My reaction to the ending was surprised and happy because of how all the Jews got rescued.